Elevate your business to new heights with our dynamic training and personalized consulting solutions.

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A story of success

we don’t just offer training—we deliver impact

Since 2000, Zahran Consulting has been a beacon of success, driven by our unwavering commitment to excellence. At the core of our mission is the belief in transforming the lives of our customers and amplifying their business ventures. Through our expert guidance and meticulously tailored solutions, we take pride in empowering our clients to reach new heights of success.

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of customers rated our services: Excellent


Rated them: Very Good


Rated them: Good

We get it

Are you Tired of:

  • Difficulty in delegating tasks effectively
  • Lack of clear communication with team members
  • Struggles with decision-making under pressure
  • Poor team dynamics and lack of cohesion
  • Challenges in motivating and inspiring team members

  • Lack of alignment between organizational goals and strategies
  • Feeling overwhelmed by competing tasks and deadlines
  • Difficulty in identifying and focusing on critical priorities
  • Struggles with time management and productivity
  •  Ineffective conflict resolution among team members

  • Inadequate strategic execution and monitoring mechanisms
  • Challenges in handling customer complaints
  • Difficulty in building and maintaining long-term customer relationships
  • Resistance to organizational change initiatives
  • Challenges in implementing change effectively

Why Choose Us?

  • Decades of industry experience at your service
  • Customized solutions tailored to your unique needs.
  • Personalized strategies designed to drive your success
  • Putting our clients first, always.
  • See what our satisfied clients have to say
  • Innovative solutions for today’s challenges
  • Committed to continuous learning and growth
  • Flexible solutions to meet your evolving needs
Ready to elevate your success to new heights?

Unlock Your Potential, Transform Your Future: Explore Our Dynamic Services for Lasting Success

Embark on a journey of growth and achievement with Zahran Training and Consulting. Our diverse services are designed to empower individuals and organizations, from honing leadership skills to fostering innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. You’ll chart a course toward unparalleled success with our expert guidance and transformative solutions.

Leadership Development:

  • Executive coaching.
  • Leadership training programs
  • Inclusive leadership training

Strategic Planning

  • Strategic visioning sessions
  • Strategic planning workshops
  • Strategy execution support

Change Management:

  • Change readiness assessments
  • Change leadership training
  • Embracing change for staff

Employee Training and Development

  • Skills training workshops
  • Onboarding programs
  • Management skills development

Customer Service Excellence:

  • Customer service training
  • Customer experience assessments
  • Service recovery strategies

Soft Skills Development

  • Communication skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Time management
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Adaptability and Resilience


  • Ideation workshops
  • Design thinking workshops & training
  • Creative thinking training


  • Business Plan Development
  • Pitch Deck Preparation
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Entrepreneurial mindset workshops
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Inspiring Success Stories: Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Discover the power of transformation through real-life stories of triumph and achievement. Dive into our testimonial section and be inspired by the journeys of those who have partnered with us to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve remarkable success. Let their experiences ignite your aspirations and fuel your determination to reach greater heights. Your success story starts here

Manager of the dietary services dep.
Caritas baby Hospital
(Time management Course)

The time management course was such a fruitful course, and it met my expectations. I have already started implementing some of its material in my daily life, and I will for sure continue applying the material since it affects my work positively.

Reem Duha
Birzeit university
(Public Speaking course)

With all sincerity and honesty, I will never forget this experience. It is, for me, a starting point towards change and creativity. I benefited greatly from it. I discovered who I am and what I should do. I saw many dimensions within myself that I was unaware of. My perspective of the world changed, and I broke the barrier of fear and apprehension of speaking in front of an audience. May Allah bless your efforts.

Nadera Mugrabi
Founder & CEO Almanara Training and Consulting Center.
(Training Of Trainers Course)

The course was very beneficial, and I enjoyed it a lot. I felt that I developed and adjusted many things in my training approach. Additionally, I acquired a lot of information; I discovered many new websites and books and explored new things. The training I conducted today was partly a result of my readings and something new, meaning practical training other than what I usually train. Regarding the trainer, he was also excellent, and without that, I wouldn’t have continued with the training. Thank you, we benefited a lot from you.

Sister Donatella
Director of the Center for
Continuous education
Caritas Baby Hospital
(ToT in Team Management Course )

When You feel relaxed When you experience acceptance
When you perceive good preparation, good delivering concept style.
When you are free to ask questions without fear, you are in a suitable environment for learning and gaining new information. This is what happened in only four days with Waheed Zahran.
Thanks, A Million  

Lina Zaqout Siam
Program Manager
( Multiple youth Courses)

Mr. Zahran is simply a natural at leading, training and guiding people. All of his trainees evaluated him very positively. He was a truly outstanding asset to the implementation and realization of our intervention with young women’s empowerment. when training, he has the natural ability to engage people and have them relate to the material presented. A true professional, well done!

Christophe Rooze
interim and crisis manager & entrepreneur in the leisure segment

I had the pleasure and honor of working with Waheed Zahran on different projects in Palestine over the last few years. He is a true professional and gentleman. Together we worked on a international program to stimulate work-based-learning in the Palestine region. His input was not only deeply appreciated but also an surplus for the entire program. If i have other projects in the region, I would not hesitate to contact Waheed the moment I set foot on the ground.

List of our happy clients

we take pride in our esteemed clientele, comprised of industry leaders and innovative organizations

Our commitment to excellence has enabled us to forge strong partnerships with these esteemed clients, guiding them toward success through our tailored solutions.

Ready to elevate your business to new heights? Contact us today to join our prestigious list of satisfied clients. Let’s embark on a journey of growth and success together.


+970 5945 25 370

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Our Statistics Tell Our Story

Experience matters. With over 20 years in the industry, we honed our expertise to become a trusted partner in professional development. Our unwavering commitment to excellence empowers organizations and individuals to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Explore our impact


Individuals Served


Companies Served


Years Experience


Courses Delivered